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Groconut Plant Tonic (Vegan)

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An organic plant tonic to promote healthy plant growth. 


Mix 1 tsp per litre of water and use up to every-other watering. 

Store Groconut powder in the fridge after opening and use within 12 months for best results. 

Groconut’s unpasteurized formula contains phytohormones which help boost and regulate plant growth:

• Auxin: Promotes cell division, stem and root growth.
• Cytokinins: Stimulates cell division in leaf and shoot growth, as well as stimulating outgrowth of axillary buds.
• Gibberellins: Increases the speed of germination and stimulates cell elongation. Also encourages flowering.
 Abscisic acid: Promotes root growth.
 Salicylic acid: Promotes thermogenesis (the ability to self-regulate temperature) and increases resistance to disease.

It contains macro and micronutrients that play essential in healthy plant development:

IRON 22mg/kg
Iron is a constituent of several enzymes and some pigments, and assists in nitrate and sulfate reduction and energy production within the plant. Although iron is not used in the synthesis of chlorophyll (the green pigment in leaves), it is essential for its formation. This explains why plants deficient in iron show chlorosis in the new leaves.

BORON 10mg/kg
Boron plays a key role in a diverse range of plant functions including cell wall formation and stability, maintenance of structural and functional integrity of biological membranes, movement of sugar or energy into growing parts of plants, and pollination and seed set.

COPPER 3mg/kg
Copper is essential in plant respiration and assists in plant metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins. activates some enzymes in plants which are involved in lignin synthesis and it is essential in several enzyme systems. It is also required in the process of photosynthesis. Copper also serves to intensify flavor and color in vegetables and color in flowers.

Manganese is used in plants as a major contributor to various biological systems including photosynthesis, respiration, and nitrogen assimilation. Manganese is also involved in root cell elongation, resistance to root pathogens, pollen germination and pollen tube growth.

SELENIUM <10mg/kg
Selenium is an essential plant micronutrient and has been repetedly shown to enhance crop growth and crop tolerance to abiotic stresses when applied in trace amounts. Au/NZ soils are naturally deficient in selenium, so adding this into your fruit and veggie gardens will provide more nutritious yeilds.

ZINC 4mg/kg
Zinc is an important component of various enzymes that are responsible for driving many metabolic reactions in plant growth. Growth and development would stop if specific enzymes were not present in plant tissue. Carbohydrate, protein, and chlorophyll formation is significantly reduced in zinc-deficient plants. Therefore, a constant and continuous supply of zinc is needed for optimum growth and maximum yield.

Molybdenum is only required in very small amounts but it is important for nitrogen metabolism. Without molybdenum, plants may be able to take up nitrogen but if it’s in the form of a nitrate (NO3) they can’t process it and use it for it’s intended purpose (to make amino acids and proteins for instance).

COBALT <2 mg/kg
Cobalt is an essential component of several enzymes and co-enzymes. It has been shown to affect growth and metabolism of plants, in different degrees, depending on the concentration and status of cobalt in rhizosphere and soil. Cobalt interacts with other elements to form complexes.

CALCIUM 167 mg/100g
Calcium is an essential element needed for growth and development of plants under both non-stressed and stress conditions. It thereby fulfills a dual function, being not only an important factor for cell wall and membrane stability, but also serving as a second messenger in many developmental and physiological processes.

MAGNESIUM 11 mg/100g
Magnesium is the central atom in the chlorophyll molecule, and therefore necessary for plant tissue production growth.

Nitrogen in a way could be termed “a backbone” of plants going by what it does in plants. It is important in growth and development of vital plant tissues and cells like the cell membranes and chlorophyll, is essential in plant processes such as photosynthesis, and is a component of nucleic acid that forms DNA a genetic material.

PHOSPHOROUS 124 mg/100g
Phosphorous is essential for the general health and vigor of all plants. Some specific growth factors that have been associated with phosphorus are: stimulated root development, increased stalk and stem strength, improved flower formation in seed production, earlier crop maturity, and increased crop quality.

POTASSIUM 169 mg/100g
Potassium is associated with the movement of water, nutrients and carbohydrates in plant tissue. It’s involved with enzyme activation within the plant, which affects protein, starch and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production. It increases root growth, maintains turgor, aids in photosynthesis and energy formation, reduces respiration, preventing energy losses, and enhances translocation of sugars and starch.

VITAMIN C 1.7 mg/100g
Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant in plants which provides protection against the harmful side-effects of light during photosynthesis, the process by which light energy is used to convert carbon dioxide into plant matter.

SULFUR (acid soluble) 0.2%
Sulfur produces lignin (gives the plant stability and strength, as well as aiding in water transportation) and pectin (helps keep the walls of adjacent cells joined together). It also helps produce chlorophyll and aids in the metabolism of nitrogen.


Why can’t I use bottled coconut water from the shop?
Bottled coconut water is pasteurized, meaning it’s been through an extensive heating process which denatures and destroys the delicate phytohormones and nutrients that are responsible for activating growth.

Can I use water from a raw coconut instead?
Yes – you most definitely can! Young green coconuts are what we use to make the Groconut formula. However, the beneficial elements start to drastically reduce and the sugar content increases as the coconut turns from green to brown, so you’d need to get your hands on one that’s been freshly picked to see the best results.